If you’ve ever wondered whether seminary was for you, Seattle Pacific Seminary invites you to explore your calling and vocation at Discernment Days.
You are invited to join us at Seattle Pacific University on Tuesday, January 28th for a conference marking the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed by exploring the relationship between theology and song. During this conference, we will consider the topic of "Lyrical Theology." Drawing from the deep wells of wisdom from theologians, local pastors, and worship directors, attendees will find useful reflections and tips for songwriters, worship leaders, and pastors alike. For more details and to register for the conference, click the link below.
Get Tickets NowPlease join the Seattle Pacific Seminary for its first public lecture of the year, the Spina Lectureship on Christian Scripture, on Tuesday Oct. 29, 7 p.m., in the First Free Methodist Church sanctuary.
Thursday, June 6 | 7-9 PM
Please join us as we honor and commission our Seminary graduates. Family and friends are welcome. We'll enjoy a reception afterward so our graduates' families and friends can celebrate together.
Business casual attire is suggested.
This event is free and will include a reception afterward. We will video-record and live-stream this event.
Friday, April 26, 2024 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
3200 3rd Ave. W., Seattle, WA 98119
Hosted by The Dialogue on Race and Faith Project
Join us for an exciting event at the First Free Methodist Church in Seattle, WA, USA! We are thrilled to invite you to the Awakening to Justice Film and Book Launch. When a historian discovers a forgotten abolitionist manuscript dated from 1839, he and his fellow researchers uncover a text that sheds light on the reality of racism today—and the history of faith and race in America.
Saturday, April 27, 2024 |9:00 am - 2:30 pm
First Free Methodist Church
Hosted by The Dialogue on Race and Faith Project
Dive deep into the dialogue on race and faith at our Training Seminar, where we'll equip you with tools to engage your communities. Registration required ($10) though EventBrite.
Monday and Tuesday, January 29-30, 2024
Alexander & Adelaide Hall - Conference Room 110
If you’ve ever wondered whether seminary was for you, Seattle Pacific Seminary invites you to explore your calling and vocation at Discernment Days. This year, we're hosting a two-day event. The event is free and food is included!
Get a $1,000 or $3,000 SPS Scholarship for Attending Discernment Days
If you attend Discernment Days and then are admitted to and enroll in Seattle Pacific Seminary in Autumn 2024, you will receive a $1,000 scholarship for your first year of seminary or a $3,000 scholarship if you begin seminary in 2024. You must apply for admission, be admitted to, and enroll at SPS to qualify. This scholarship is given above and beyond any regular scholarship award that students receive. The average first-year student receives $7,500 in scholarship awards. Email seminary@lesvoorbereiding.com for details.
Coming from Out of State?
If you will be traveling from out of the state of Washington or more than 100 miles away to attend Discernment Days, we will reimburse you up to $150 for your traveling expenses. You must live a minimum of 100 miles from Seattle Pacific University to receive the reimbursement and you must have a receipt for a reimbursable expense (flight or gas). If you're coming from out of town and need lodging and/or a ride from the airport, we can arrange that for you, as well! Email seminary@lesvoorbereiding.com for details.
Thursday, January 25, 2024 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Book Talk with Dr. Ronald White
First Free Methodist Church (Fine Center) | 3200 3rd Ave. W, Seattle, WA 98119
Co-Hosted by the School of Theology and the History Department
Pulitzer-prize winning author, historian, and theologian, Dr. Ronald C. White, will be with us to share about his new book on Joshua L. Chamberlain, the famous Civil War general who was also a committed Christian and abolitionist. This latest release is an important companion for his previous books on Lincoln, Grant, and the social gospel. Enjoy significant conversations around issues of racial justice and Christian participation in war. This event is free; no registration required. This event will not be live-streamed.
Tues, May 21, 2024 | 7:00-9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
Palmer Lecture: “Here I Stand With God: A Christology Contra Mundum for Today”
Featuring Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4’s Today program. He has published 46 books, including works on Christian ethics, mission, ministry, scripture, liturgy, and preaching. This event requires no registration and is free. It will be video-recorded.
Wed, May 22, 2024 | 7:00-9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
St Martin’s Voices Emerging Artists Concert
St Martin’s Voices is one of the UK’s most versatile, professional vocal ensembles. They sing for concerts, broadcasts and special services at their base in London’s iconic St Martin-in-the-Fields and beyond, and regularly perform alongside the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, London Mozart Players and Piatti Quartet. They have toured to the USA and South Africa, as well as undertaking extensive tours across the UK. The choir regularly features in broadcasts on BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4 and Classic FM. In 2023 they released their first album with Resonus Classics, A Winter Breviary, to critical acclaim. This event requires purchased tickets via Eventbrite. It will not be live-streamed or video-recorded.
The Prudential Means of Grace: Arts for Holy Living
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
3200 3rd Ave. W., Seattle, WA 98119
Presented by Rev. Dr. Douglas Strong, the current Walls Endowed Chair.
No registration is necessary. This event will be video-recorded (not live-streamed).